Lots and lots of pretty things

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Etsys of the Week, #2

I die a little when I see this, because it's just outrageously cute. If I ever have a little girl, I'm going to buy hats from this seller.

I'm starting to panic a little bit about Pink's hair accessory swap ...the due date is coming up soon, and I've never made any hair accessories -- and certainly not with scrapbooking materials. I DO have a vision of what I want to do, but there are two major drawbacks here: 1)it will be time-consuming and 2) it will be expensive.

In anticipation of said creating, I found multiple headbands (which I think I will do in lieu of barrettes) that I love; I've never worn anything like this before, but I totally will. I might even buy it. I have a special place in my heart for frilly, super-girly apparel and accessories. I can't help it.

I doubt I could make this one, but it's certainly polished and more likely to appeal to a group of people about whom I know very little (when it comes to hair accessory preference, that is).

This grayish brown I truly love . . . what I want to do is similar (though not in color). This seller also has these woodland sprite/fairy looking bands. I'm sold.

And then there are the double and triple metal/jeweled bands that are popping up everywhere (Anthropologie has a few gorgeous ones). I dig 'em. I will not be making double or triple bands, however.

I think that's it for now. Am slammed buy a body of papers washing over and drowning me. I want to post pictures of the cards we made in Ally's card class, but I suppose this will have to wait . . .sigh.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Etsy Stores of the Week

It's no secret I'm in love with Etsy. I don't often buy things, but I do when I can, and I could spend countless hours browsing rather than doing work. While I've been pretty good at not procrastinating lately, I figure Sunday night is a good time to get in a bit of relaxation and pine over lovelies I want and share them with you. This week? It's these necklaces.

And this one. And, uh, this one, too. Then there's this headband . . . and this one.

And for $25, this is an adorable Halloween scrap kit: 18 papers, Thickers, Sassafrass . . . a kit like this from a kit club would easily be $40 and over. I think I have enough Halloween stuff, but . . . she has a few others (a bit too cutesy for my taste, but still cute enough . . . and cheap). Ah, well. It's back to the grindstone around these parts.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Girls at the Pink . . .

So I didn't take this photo -- Teri did -- but still. I edited it for a page I'm doing for Gloria's challenge blog . . . trying to figure out which version I want to use.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Some Pages for Reed's "Girly" Book . . .

Don't use pink a lot, but why not? I'm not into gender-specific coloring, so here it is. ***Ahem. So this page needs some serious editing, clearly. Back later for that one.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

A favorite . . .

I didn't send this one to the design call over at Pink Ninjas, but I thought about it.
Ah, well. What can you do?

Monday, September 14, 2009

A few favorites . . . (layouts, actually, rather than ATCs)

. . . and, the Alice versions

Please don't ask how/why these are Alice in Wonderland cars. Because they have mushrooms and keyholes and crowns on them? And words/phrases that define the story? Ahem. These are supposed to be vintage-y, rockin'roll-y, modern interpretations of Alice -- an ode to the Burton/Danny Elfman/Johhny Depp/Helena Bonham Carter Alice in Wonderland/Looking Glass, which, as it were, I can't wait to see. Behold: item in mirror took longer to make than it might first appear . . .

Glitter ATCS

Turned these in last week and am realizing that my Alice interpretations are also . . . pretty glittery. Ah, well. All hail the glitter this week.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Vintagy Vintage

I may have mentioned that I'd forgotten to take pictures of the ATC Vintage swap; Ally posted up close and personal pictures of each person's design. If you want to view them, and/or read a very fun craft blog by a really talented person, take a look: http://allyserrato.blogspot.com/

I handed off my glitter ATCs today and think I was supposed to deliver Alice in Wonderland cards. Ack! I guess I better make these immediately since I seem to have transposed some dates. After that, it's a Halloween version. I think I might take a break despite how fun these little swaps are so I can, perhaps, make a layout or two in the near future.

Tomorrow, I'll upload some pics of the glittery glittersons though I've posted some half-baked phone shots to Facebook. I think that's it for now.

Some of you I'm sure have heard me talk about the Pink, or Pink Pineapple. It's my favorite little scrapbook haven and the only store I shop at with the exception of some online purchasing (kit clubs, primarily). I think it's vitally important to support local stores; small businesses need our support, and there's such a great community there. I might overspend, but I feel good about putting money into something I love and which contributes to the continuation of a great place. Take a look:


Monday, September 7, 2009

ATC Cards

So I've got a set of these due by Wed. for the Pink Pineapple (well, for Ally). If you haven't seen these before, they're little, well, pieces of art that you give out that showcase your style (think Garbage Pail Kids cards, but prettier. With more texture). The first round I participated in was "vintage" . . . and I forgot to take pictures of them before I distributed them. The point of the "swaps" we do with these is that each participant gets 11 in return, one from each of the other participants. This exchange's theme? "Glitter". Since inspiration took its time in striking, I've got a counter covered in, yes, glitter, black ATC cards, and every possible glitter-licious kind of embellishment I own. I think I've finally made a prototype I can live with, so now comes the assembly. Next up? "Alice in Wonderland" -- bound to be my favorite theme, hands down. Now if I can just figure out how to get a representation down in a 2X3 card, I'll be all set . . .

In the meantime, a slightly glittery, most favorite of recent (and let's admit, there have been few) layout for 52 Sketches, 52 Weeks . . .

Friday, September 4, 2009

Little, Pretty Family and a Big Beautiful Mess

So I've been wanting to begin this blog forever, and I've wanted a copy of Amanda Soule's book The Creative Family forever, too, so . . . it seemed apropos to make this the first post. I added a few more links to favorite crafty/arty/handmady stuff and figure this is a good way to keep track of those sites I want to dig into instead of work and/or spend money I don't have (need to stay off Etsy, need to stay off scrapbooking sites).

First, let me say that it's a beautiful book, one whose ideas I aspire to philosophically. I love the idea of using creativity (specifically in the form of creating and making things) to unify and knit family more closely. I love the idea of avoiding mass-made, cheap but expensive, garish plastic crap (er, toys).I love the idea that I can raise a child who will probably value working with his hands, handmade items, photography, etc . . .

But. While I love some of the suggestions for incorporating various forms of creativity into everyday life, I don't feel the book has a whole lot of content, at least in terms of specific content. And some of the ones that ARE described in details aren't for the novice sewer (that's me!) and seem to require a good deal of old-fashioned know-how to accomplish. I read the entire book in under two hours and found myself wanting more. Maybe I need to get her newest book. Maybe I need to write my own book.

Anyway, I occasionally check out Amanda's blog SouleMama, which is definitely worth a read or 100. Elsie's A Beautiful Mess makes me want to run away to Portland and open up my own little craft store and wear fuzzy hats and scarves and paint and sew all day and . . . buy things, as usual. Which you can do over at Red Velvet Art

I could spend. all. day. going through these sites and cataloguing them . . . but I should probably work. Ugh. More to come, and soon.